Students from the French School enjoy an educational experience at Sulaibiya WWT&RP
On the 17th November 2009, forty-five enthusiastic students from the French School in Kuwait were hosted by UDC at Sulaibiya Waste-water Treatment and Reclamation Plant, where they learned how the plant transforms domestic waste-water into potable drinking water. According to the students, the visit was a most illuminating and enjoyable experience.
After being welcomed at the plant, the students listened to a brief explanation of the biological and reclamation processes while being shown a model of the plant and its process units. This was followed by a very positive question and answer session. The keenness of students was evident in the searching questions they posed on topics ranging from micro-biology through environmental sustainability to finance and cost recovery.
Then, in the main meeting room, the students were shown to an MS PowerPoint presentation detailing the theory behind the various treatment processes and how the treated water could best be re-used. At present, water treated at Sulaibiya is used for crop irrigation purposes only. A vigorous discussion took place on the re-use of treated domestic wastewater as potable drinking water to relieve the demand in Kuwait for desalinated drinking water.
Afterwards, the students went on a tour of the plant to see the processes up close. They found the aeration tanks and the reverse osmosis plant to be of particular interest as these represent the core biological and reclamation treatment processes. Many of them were surprised at the overall scale of the project.
The tour culminated in a visit to the SCADA control room, the nerve centre of Sulaibiya WWT&RP, where the students gained an insight into the complexities of the computer-controlled automation of the plant equipment.
The visit was very successful in imparting practical knowledge and an enjoyable experience to a very eager audience. Before they left, the students were treated to refreshments, and each one received a UDC brochure, a DVD and a gift to help them consolidate their new knowledge.
Both KN and UDC are committed to the technical education of the younger generation and always welcome the opportunity to receive organised visits from secondary school students in Kuwait.